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We'd all like to make our own alterations to that dress of pair of jeans that doesn't fit anymore, but might be afraid we lack the skills to do so. Don't worry, though, as with the new Sewing for Beginners you can pick up the skills you need easily and quickly, with clear step-by-step tutorials that make sure you create sturdy and good-looking garments. Learn the basic stitches, how to set up and use a sewing machine, and master vital skills like finishing hems, inserting tucks and darts, and attaching collars and sleeves. Practise your skills in the Creative Projects section, where we teach to make your own skirt of make-up brush holder, among many other exciting projects. Featuring:
Setting up - Preparation is key for a successful project - find out everything you need here.
Getting started - The basic skills, jargon and sewing know-how is laid out in this section.
The next step - Learn the techniques that'll transform your projects and help you make your own garments and accessories.
Creative projects - Practise your new skills and create some beautiful and playful projects.
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