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And The Son Will Rise

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And the son will rise is a true story of courage, hope and survival, following the experiences of 18-year-old Douglas Cumper of the 24th AIF (Australian Imperial Forces) battalion during the First World War. Determined, venturesome and strong-spirited, Doug embarks on a perilous journey to the Western Front. Through confronting horrors of the front line, with his mates, he begins to question the value of life and how a turn of events can quickly tip the balance between life and death.
With trepidation, his family back home in Australia anticipates his return, while Doug feels the weight of new challenges, as he is forced to leave the past behind, becoming responsible for those men under his leadership.
And the son will rise demonstrates a great truth: that mateship is an anchor to the community of soldiers who share the goal of surviving, and returning homeā€¦

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