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Artist Profile Issue 69 Ron Robertson-Swann is this issue’s cover artist. His influence on Australian painting and sculpture is deep and impressive. John Vallance’s essay, accompanied by Anna Kucera’s exclusive portraits, highlights the artist’s uncompromising approach to form and content in his work. From December 2024 till March 2025 Ron Robertson-Swann will be presenting old and new works in exhibitions at Benalla Art Gallery, Charlies Nodrum Gallery, and Australian Galleries. Inside readers will also find profiles on Adriana Mahanga Lear, Catherine Murphy, Yuriyal Bridgeman, Eva Rothschild, Dylan Sarra, Sara Maher, and Robert Eadie.

by Alex
Love it, love it, love it. Really good quaity interviews and they pick really good artists. Only wish it came out more frequently than every three months.

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