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Good Reading magazine subscription

Good Reading magazine cover

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RRP $77.70
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RRP $142.45
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From the publisher

Good Reading is a monthly magazine for the book lover. It is devoted to books and reading with independent book reviews of the latest releases from overseas and Australian writers, all sorts of books are covered no matter what your taste from general fiction, crime, fantasy, history, biography, health, arts, gardening, cooking and kids books for all ages.

It includes author interviews, articles about books, extracts, and you can discover what podcasts have been released and much more.

by Jane
This magazine has helped me choose my books to read. It's been really great as I always get great recommendations. It's a good read on its own too!
by Denise
Good Reading is an ideal gift for a bookworm. Full of reviews and author news - there is something in her for everybody. I plan on asking for it again this Christmas!

Weeks delivery

All prices for magazine subscriptions listed on isubscribe include delivery.

Your subscription will begin with the next available issue and in most cases, your magazine will be in your hands before it goes on sale in the shops! Due to publishing cycles and potential delays with Australia Post, please allow up to 2-5 weeks for your first delivery to arrive.

Good Reading is published by GOOD READING MAGAZINE, who handle delivery and stipulate the lead time shown above.

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