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RRP $80.60
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3 months/13 issues
RRP $161.20
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6 months/26 issues

Digital subscriptions are available for this title. Digital Subscriptions are supplied by Zinio, who will deliver the digital editions direct to your inbox - you can access them directly through your web browser or download the Zinio app on your mobile device.


Well and truly one of Australia’s favourite lifestyle mags for generations, New Idea never fails to inform, entertain and enlighten its readers.

Every issue captures the latest hot news from around the world, plus you’ll find pages of the fascinating features, real-life stories and inside goss on the latest celebrity buzz. Keep up to date with the royals, TV secrets and scandals, who’s dating who and who’s wearing what plus check out loads more on beauty and fashion, health, travel and clever ideas for your home.

From the publisher

New Idea is the magazine for every Australian woman and prides itself on entertaining and informing on topics that matter to you! Every week the New Idea team deliver a magazine full of fascinating features, real-life stories and of course, the latest celebrity news. For over 100 years New Idea has continued to engage, entertain, and inspire nearly 2 million women across Australia every single week.Please note: New Idea is committed to delivering every issue as early as possible. However, due to production and postage timings, your magazine may arrive after it goes on sale in stores – this will depend on your location within Australia.

by shelly
great mag for celebrity news and goss!
by Sarah
fantastic magazine. full of latest news and gossip. keeps me busy for a good hour or two
by Jamie
Great magz
by Rachael
This magazine is a great read and has great recipes everytime that the family love!
by Kristy-Lee
It's the perfect gift for family and friends
by Julie
Great magazine - always a good read.
by Debby
This is a great magazine to read in a waiting room or if you are sick. It is light, fluffy, sometimes made-up sensationalism..not a fan.
by Kel
A great mag to catch up on all the weekly goss.
by Lisa
I love this magazine, keeps me up to date with the latest gossip ... and the awesome cooking ideas too. Plus I just love looking at the pictures ... I usually flip through the magazine first and check out all the hot celebrities with a cuppa, then go back to the start and read the stories =) Love it!
by Michelle
Great all rounder magazine. Celebrity goss, recipes, real life reads and good puzzles.
by claire
Good for celebrity gossip and nothing else
by Mary
A great weekly magazine, a good mix of gossip, everyday life humour, recipes, tips on cooking and my fave is 'Ask Nene' and 'Allison Dubois' question and answer section.
by Danielle
meant to be cheaper for Law Society Members but I can get 12 month subscription cheaper through Subscribe today offers $14 cheaper.
by Valerie
A great weekly magazine! Keeps me up to date with all the gossip, while giving me a few healthy tips as well
by Katerina
The place to go for celebrity news and goss, real life stories, recipes, health and wellbeing tips! Love it.
by Ebony
Great magazine with so many different articles - from celebrities to food to fitness. Love it.

Weeks delivery

All prices for magazine subscriptions listed on isubscribe include delivery.

Your subscription will begin with the next available issue and in most cases, your magazine will be in your hands before it goes on sale in the shops! Due to publishing cycles and potential delays with Australia Post, please allow up to 2-5 weeks for your first delivery to arrive.

New Idea is published by Are Media Pty Ltd, who handle delivery and stipulate the lead time shown above. Explore more titles from this publisher here.

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